Arquitectos MF | Office
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Who we are

We are a team of architects with more than 15 years of professional experience, specialized in residential architecture and the development of service sector buildings. We collaborate with excellent professionals of different specialities; engineers, technical architects, town planners, designers and interior designers, creating teams for each assignment. Our teams have received numerous national and international awards in different public competitions.


Our offices are at the Costa del Sol (Málaga) and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands).

Our team



Juan Antonio Martos Fidalgo. Architect.

Executive MBA Master in Business Administration and Management,
Master in Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture.



Francisco Javier Martínez Begara.

Olga Alaminos González.

Carlos Ibañez Fidalgo.

Cristina Domínguez Moldes.

Carmen Martínez Sánchez.

External partners


Technical Architects. Manuel Martinez Jiménez. Antonio Arrabal Ruiz. Juan Montiel Fernández.

Engineers. Felipe Ramos. Francisco Javier Hernández. Miguel Lacomba.

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